Join one of our upcoming introductory workshops

Four interactive sessions coming up to celebrate the launch of Women-Centric Design. Join one to learn and apply Women-Centric Design together with other practitioners. Scholarships available to attend!

Workshop Dates

June 13, 2024

Morning session
at 9am CET

June 13, 2024

Evening session
at 5pm CET

September 2024

Morning session
at 9am CET

September 2024

Evening session
at 5pm CET;


At the heart of this workshop is the central question: how might we truly serve women?

Chances are that many of us regularly use, and build so-called "gender-neutral" experiences that often overlook key needs of women. This is because today's design, strategy and innovation methodologies exclude women: under the guise of being gender-neutral, the way we work today often produce “one-size-fits-men” outcomes.

In this workshop, we introduce practitioners to the foundational tools from our Women-Centric Design toolkit.

We define designer expansively. This workshop assists practitioners across research, innovation, organisational strategy, service design, social impact, branding and marketing, product and engineering apply a women-centric lens to their existing creative and strategic practices.

Who is this workshop for?

INTRODUCTION: An increased understanding of how so called gender-neutral design methodologies overlook women.

LEARNING: Applicable key themes to evaluate and re-design products and services with a women-centric lens.

APPLICATION: Participants work in small groups to evaluate product and service experiences, applying their learnings right away.

Workshop agenda and outcomes

Workshop details

⏰ 90 minutes

👩🏾‍💻 Hosted virtually on Zoom

💬 Hosted in English

Thanks to the support of our partners, we are able to offer a limited number of full scholarships for our workshops. The scholarships exist to make this workshop accessible to as wide a range of practitioners as possible. More information on registration & scholarships below.

Scholarships available

Supported by

Hosted by

Register to attend one of our workshops

Registrations are open for our June workshops! Please self-select the registration option and workshop time most suitable to you.

Scholarship registrations

The scholarships are available for practitioners:
(i) from underrepresented and/or minoritised backgrounds across gender, race, faith, sexuality, ethnicity, socio-economics, ability, etc.
(ii) who are committed to serving women from minoritised backgrounds.
(iii) for whom the cost of this workshop would make it inaccessible to them.

By choosing the scholarship option, you confirm:
(i) that you have read the description above and self-identify as qualifying for the scholarship
(ii) that you will attend the full workshop

Standard registration

The standard registration for this workshop is €130,00. We request you to choose this registration option if you or your organisation are able to support your registration fees.

We are also offering registration at a highly reduced rate of €60,00. This is open to anyone who does not qualify for the scholarships, but is unable to support full registration fees.